Gold Find

I began to wonder what the fastest way to collect gold would be so I did a little research. You can find, or buy, gear with +% Extra Gold from Monsters.

All gear can have this stat on it and I did some calculations to find out how much total GF you can achieve not including your +75% from Nephalem Valor.

Adding everything up you can have:
  • 50% - Amulet slot
  • 275% - All other slots except weapon: 11 * 25% (head, shoulders, chest, bracers, gloves, belt, legs, boots, rings, offhand)
  • 31% - Radiant Star Emerald in Helmet gem slot
  • 10% - Follower amulet slot: 50%x.2
  • 15% - Follower ring and offhand slots (3x25%)x.2
  • 75% - Nephalem Valor
  • 25% - Shrine of Fortune
  • 10% - Demon Hunter Ferret Companion
381% - Armor Contributed
100% - Nephalem Valor and Shrine
481% - Grand Total (Demon Hunter = 491%)

That is a crazy amount of extra gold... Let's say a monster in nightmare was supposed to drop a reasonable 419 gold for you when you killed him. With all this gear on you would get a whopping 2,015 for a singular monster.

Happy Hunting!

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