The Auction House; and How to Play It

Many people are learning the ropes of Diablo and have not yet invested the time to earn money by playing the Auction House. Fortunately for you, I'm here to guide you through it.

A common way to make money on the AH is to buy low, and sell high. Everyone knows that. So if you can find good gear on the AH with desirable stats that you can get for super cheap, do it!

 Personally I try to go for commodity auctions; ie : Gems, Tomes, Pages, Recipes, etc...

While the game is still new and people don't know what values items have, NOW is a great time to snag some really great profit. Sometimes you can snag things up for less gold than the vendors would have paid.

In the video below there is a great recording of a guy catching a gem for 2,890% pure profit.

on a side note, third world countries need support... Donate Today!

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